Schooling of Deaf and Autism Students:

Educational Strategies Mapped in the Literature


  • Silvana Monalisa França Salvador Universidade Federal do ABC
  • Kate Mamhy Oliveira Kumada Universidade Federal do ABC
  • Nivea R. Marsura Universidade Federal do ABC
  • Priscila Benitez Universidade Federal do ABC



Deaf, Autism, Inclusion, Learning, Special Education


Most teachers are unaware of or have difficulties in conducting the schooling process with deaf students, and this challenge is aggravated by the occurrence of autism spectrum disorder. Thus, this research aims to investigate studies on the schooling of deaf students and those with autism spectrum disorder. This bibliographic research was based on the theoretical-methodological procedures of the qualitative approach guided by the literature review, based on secondary sources defined by academic works (such as monographs, dissertations and theses), publications of works in events, articles, books and book chapters. The reference databases consulted were: SciELO, Redalyc, PePSIC, BDTD, and Google Scholar. The results recommend the teaching of Brazilian Sign Language as a first language (L1) for the target audience and, according to the demand for individual support, structured teaching as a complementary educational strategy to the schooling process and the use of visual didactic strategies. It is recommended that curricular components on the subject are urgently needed in training courses for teachers and other professionals involved in Special Education.


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How to Cite

Monalisa França Salvador, S., Mamhy Oliveira Kumada, K., R. Marsura, . N. ., & Benitez, P. . (2023). Schooling of Deaf and Autism Students:: Educational Strategies Mapped in the Literature. Revincluso - Revista Inclusão & Sociedade, 2(1).