Relationship between families of a students with disabilities and schools in the context of inclusive education:

a literature review


  • Elisa Regina Castro de Oliveira Universidade Federal ABC
  • Marcia Maurilio Souza Faculdade de Educação da USP
  • Marcelo de Oliveira Fonseca Universidade de Taubate



Family-school partnership, Family-school relationship, Inclusion


The present research aimed to identify the difficulties presented in the relationship between the family of students with disabilities and the school, to observe how these difficulties are faced by the family and school professionals, how they are resolved, as well as how they provide the strengthening of the family-school relationship. This is research with a qualitative approach, in which a literature review was used to gather information. The search was restricted to the works of the Congresso Brasileiro de Educação Especial (CBEE) of the years 2014, 2016, 2018 and 2021, in the axis related to family themes. Among the works located, we selected 12 productions. As a result of the analysis, we present and discuss four recurring themes in the productions: (a) factors that interfere in the involvement of the family with the school, (b) inclusion - variants for its effectiveness, (c) suggestions for improving the family-school relationship and (d) school strategies to bring the family closer. In the selected works, we listed some of the difficulties encountered in the family-school relationship, such as: the lack of information on the part of both institutions about the importance of this partnership; or, the lack of awareness on the part of the school coordination about how much it is responsible for promoting practices that bring families closer together. In view of the findings, we consider that the partnership is an achievement to be achieved as a result of a good exchange relationship between both institutions, which involves encouraging families to express feelings, emotions and ways of thinking, which contribute to a more consistent relationship in the development of effective practices.


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How to Cite

Regina Castro de Oliveira, E. ., Maurilio Souza, M. ., & de Oliveira Fonseca, M. . (2023). Relationship between families of a students with disabilities and schools in the context of inclusive education:: a literature review. Revincluso - Revista Inclusão & Sociedade, 2(1), 22.