Proposal of bilingual electronic game (LIBRAS / Portuguese) for teaching chemistry


  • Carolina Santana Silva UFABC
  • Kate Mamhy Oliveira Kumada UFABC
  • André Aranovich Florentino UFABC
  • André Luiz Brandão UFABC
  • Rafael Cava Mori UFABC



Jogos pedagógicos, Educação Inclusiva, Ensino de Química, Lingua Brasileira de Sinais - LIBRAS, Informática e Educação, Computação e Educação


When the teaching of chemistry disregards the linguistic diversity of deaf students who
communicate using Brazilian Sign Language (Libras), the conceptual difficulties of the discipline are
accentuated. In this sense, bilingual digital games can be an effective alternative to support chemistry
education. Thus, this applied research, with a qualitative approach, aimed to develop a bilingual 2D
electronic game (Libras/Portuguese) with an emphasis on teaching chemical bonds to students in the
9th years of elementary school and 1st year of high school. Thus, the game entitled “Festa na
Surdina”* was developed, which explores the presence of chemistry in everyday life, based on a plot
involving a surprise birthday party. The results demonstrated the importance of the game, in addition
to being bilingual, having deaf translators, scenery design and characters that are visually attractive
and suitable for the target audience, as well as interspersing content exposure with interactive
minigames and glossary for the player to test and deepen their knowledge. It is expected, with this
research, to promote the use of technology in teaching materials for teaching chemistry, in addition to
promoting inclusive education.


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How to Cite

Silva, C. S., Kumada, K. M. O., Florentino, A. A., Brandão, A. L., & Mori, R. C. (2021). Proposal of bilingual electronic game (LIBRAS / Portuguese) for teaching chemistry. Revincluso - Revista Inclusão & Sociedade, 1(1), 68–89.