Deaf black feminism in inclusive education


  • Ailton Paulo de Oliveira Júnior Universidade Federal do ABC - UFABC
  • Eliana Rosa de Oliveira Santos Universidade Federal do ABC



black feminism, deafness, inclusive education


This article aimed to investigate how the theme of gender, black feminism, has been treated in research focused on education for the deaf in Brazil. To this end, a systematic literature review was carried out, considering the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD), the Capes Catalog of Theses and Dissertations and Google Scholar, of texts published between 2016 and 2022, with the descriptors search the words: “feminism”, “black”, “deaf”, “race” and “gender”. We identified that research in the field of deafness tends to consider only the linguistic aspects of the deaf, even when discussing their identity. Topics such as ethnicity/race, gender, sexuality and social class are left in the background or are not even mentioned. The deaf population is still moving towards being recognized and having their language respected; probably for this reason, these themes in the scope of educational research have proved to be still little discussed. It is necessary to consider, however, that the deaf community is not homogeneous, there are intersectionalities that can affect the lives of people who are part of this population. Studies on the overlapping of deafness-ethnicity/race, gender and sexuality, associated with Inclusive Education, become necessary to reframe conceptions and practices aimed at the deaf population, which for a long time has been plundered and deprived of its rights.


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Author Biographies

Ailton Paulo de Oliveira Júnior, Universidade Federal do ABC - UFABC

Graduated in Statistical Sciences from the National School of Statistical Sciences (1988), Degree in Mathematics from the Catholic University of Brasília (2005), Master's Degree in Operational Research from the Military Institute of Engineering (1991), PhD in Education (Didactics, School Practices and Techniques Teaching) from the University of São Paulo (2003) and Post-Doctorate in Education from the University of São Paulo (2009). He is currently Associate Professor III of the Degree in Mathematics at the Center for Mathematics, Computing and Cognition and the Graduate Program (Masters and Doctorate) in Teaching and History of Science and Mathematics at the Federal University of ABC? UFABC (line of research: Teaching and Learning). He is the coordinator of the Study Group on Statistical and Mathematics Education - GEEM, certified by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) with priority being given to the discussion and study of issues related to Statistical Education from the early years of Elementary School to the University education. He is the coordinator of the following research projects: The use of problem solving methodology in the teaching of Statistics, Probability and Combinatorial Analysis; The teaching of mathematical content in basic education through Stimulus Equivalence; and Assessment of students' and teachers' attitudes towards teaching Statistics and Probability. The lines of research are related to: conceptions and attitudes of professors and students in relation to the teaching of Probability and Statistics; Problem Solving, pedagogical games, stimulus equivalence, digital technologies, paradidactic books, textbook analysis and historical approaches contributing to the teaching of Probability, Statistics and Combinatorics. He is a member of the scientific committee of the Working Group on Statistical Education (GT-12) of the Brazilian Society of Mathematical Education-SBEM. Conducts research at Master's and Doctorate level associated with Statistical Education. He has published his research in journals and scientific events at national and international level, in books and book chapters. He currently has research partnerships with researchers from Chile, Colombia, Spain and Portugal, contributing to research in Statistical Education in Brazil and worldwide. He is a member of the Latin American Research Network in Statistical Education-RELIEE and the Brazilian Society of Mathematical Education-SBEM. He has contributed to teacher training (initial and continuing) focused on teaching Statistics and Probability in Brazil and Latin America, such as Costa Rica, Colombia and Venezuela. He contributes with opinions in national and international journals and scientific events. He is currently coordinator of the Mathematics area (Degree in Mathematics) for the Pedagogical Residence of the Federal University of ABC-UFABC. He is a member of the editorial board of Editora da UFABC-Área: Educação e Licenciatura.

Eliana Rosa de Oliveira Santos, Universidade Federal do ABC

Graduated in Theology from the Baptist Theological Seminary of Southern Brazil (2004). Degree in Pedagogy from Faculdade Batista do Rio de Janeiro (2012). Specialization in Teaching African and Afro-Brazilian Histories and Cultures by the Federal Institute of Rio de Janeiro (2014). Specialization in Libras: Teaching, Translation and Interpretation by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2019). Specialization in Special and Inclusive Education from the Federal University of ABC (2022). She worked as a Social Educator at Manaem-Obras Sociais e Educacionais, Indaiatuba, SP, (1998-2006). She worked as Pedagogical Coordinator of PEPE-Pre-School Education Program by ABIAH-Brazilian Association of Incentive and Support to Men in Rio de Janeiro (2007-2011). She traveled to Guinea Bissau and The Gambia in 2011 to undertake a PEPE Educators Training. And she served as Libras Interpreter Teacher at Professor Coqueiro Municipal School (2015 to 2020). She served as an EAD Tutor at the State University of Rio Grande do Norte, in the Letters / English Course in 2021-2022. She is currently a master's student in the Graduate Program in Teacher Training in Educational Practices at the Federal University of Maranhão. She participates in the Study and Research Group on Education, Cultures and Decoloniality (GEPECD) and in the Research Group on Special and Inclusive Education, GPEEI. And she works for the Department of Education of the State of Maranhão, as a Teacher of Specialized Educational Assistance, in High School, in Imperatriz.



How to Cite

Oliveira Júnior, A. P. de, & Oliveira Santos, E. R. de . (2023). Deaf black feminism in inclusive education. Revincluso - Revista Inclusão & Sociedade, 2(1).