Assistive Technology as a support for the inclusion of Visually Impaired Persons in Higher Education: Systematic Review


  • Jordan de Souza França Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Vanessa Cristina Paulino Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Amanda Sousa Batista do Nascimento Prefeitura de Santo André/UFABC



Assistive Technology, Inclusion, Visually Impaired Person, Systematic review, University education


The development of the subject in question is in an exposition of a brief review inherent to Assistive Technology, as well as in the description of the importance of including the visually impaired person in higher education, in this sense, its general objective is to present a systematic literature about the inclusion of the visually impaired person in higher education in Assistive Technology as a support for the inclusion of the visually impaired person in higher education. The contextualization of these objectives responds to the problem inherent to whether a systematic review of the literature confirms that Assistive Technology is an effective support for the inclusion of visually impaired people in higher education. The methodology used reproduces a theoretical character, carried out after analyzes and evaluations in the method of systematic literature review, from a demand for bibliographies selected by inclusion and exclusion criteria with the findings serving as a basis for the production of the synoptic table in which shows the year, title, author, journal and the purpose of each one. The verification of the results and discussion was carried out from the variables obtained from the theoretical references of the area, trying to define the best alternatives in the presentation of suggestions in relation to the raised problem.

Keywords: Assistive Technology. Inclusion. Visually Impaired Person. University education. Systematic review.


IUniversity education. Systematic review.


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How to Cite

França, J. de S., Paulino, V. C., & Sousa Batista do Nascimento, A. (2023). Assistive Technology as a support for the inclusion of Visually Impaired Persons in Higher Education: Systematic Review. Revincluso - Revista Inclusão & Sociedade, 2(1), 29.