
Recesso REVINCLUSO 2023

Informamos aos autores e membros que a Revista Inclusão e Sociedade entrará de recesso no dia 22 de dezembro de 2023. Retornamos as atividades no dia 29 de janeiro de 2024, de forma que todos os trabalhos em fluxo terão prazos estendidos até o retorno. 

Aproveitamos a oportunidade para desejar um Feliz Natal e um Ano Novo repleto de realizações! Boas Festas!

  • Recesso REVINCLUSO 2023


    Informamos aos autores e membros que a Revista Inclusão e Sociedade entrará de recesso no dia 22 de dezembro de 2023. Retornamos as atividades no dia 29 de janeiro de 2024, de forma que todos os trabalhos em fluxo terão prazos estendidos até o retorno. 

    Aproveitamos a oportunidade para desejar um Feliz Natal e um Ano Novo repleto de realizações! Boas Festas!

    Read more about Recesso REVINCLUSO 2023
  • Lançamento da Revincluso- Revista de Inclusão & Sociedade - CBEE 2021- UFSCar


    A Revincluso - Revista Inclusão & Sociedade teve seu lançamento em 2021 marcado no 9º Congresso Brasileiro de Educação Especial e no 12º Encontro Nacional de Pesquisadores da Educação Especial (XII ENPEE). A Revincluso foi apresentada junto com outros livros de diversas temáticas de debates e de divulgação do conhecimento científico produzido na área sobre diferentes temas da Educação Especial.

    Read more about Lançamento da Revincluso- Revista de Inclusão & Sociedade - CBEE 2021- UFSCar
  • Número especial - Artigos da Especialização em Educação Especial e Inclusiva- UFABC


    Número especial dedicado a produtos (artigos, experiências) dos alunos da Especialização em Educação Inclusiva da UFABC. Produções coletivas. Alunos, orientadores e banca. Clique aqui para orientação para os textos a serem submetidos  e também pedimos que siga as orientações para autores em " Para autores"

    Read more about Número especial - Artigos da Especialização em Educação Especial e Inclusiva- UFABC
  • “Faces in question: the non-manual in sign languages”


    This thematic dossier aims to compile studies that contribute to the advancement and solidification of research on non-manual markers in Sign Languages and is being organized by Prof. Dr. Kate Kumada, Prof. Dr. Emely Silva, and Prof. Dr. Priscila Benitez.
    In recent years, facial and body expressions have been the object of investigation in oral languages that recognize their linguistic and social function. However, it is known that, in addition to transmitting emotions and the affective state, in the context of deaf studies, the body and face are already recognized as elements that assume a grammatical function inherent to sign languages.
    Given the above, non-manual markers/gestures/expressions (as they are also referenced) have increasingly aroused the interest of authors in the analysis and description of this parameter. This scenario justifies this proposal for a thematic dossier.
    Initially, the dossier will be published in a special issue of the journal Inclusion & Society (in Portuguese “Revista Inlcusão & Sociedade”, Revincluso), which defines the publication with the written authorization of each participant (author), agreeing and authorizing the assignment of copyright for this edition.
    For this special issue, the thematic dossier entitled “Faces in question: the non-manual in
    sign languages” seeks articles whose scope involves theoretical articles, experience
    reports and qualitative research on advances, challenges and perspectives in contexts of
    non-manual markers themselves in sign languages.
    The release is scheduled for October 2022. Next, we present the timetable and guidelines for the authors.

    First step -  Abstract writing - 28/02/2022
    Second step - Delivery of complete articles by authors - 22/05/2022
    Third step - Reading and peer review. Possible adjustments. - 22/06/2022
    Fourth step - Reading of articles and preparation of the presentation by the organizers. - 22/07/2022
    Fifth step -  Submission of the complete work with all articles for analysis by the editorial board for approval or not of the production of the work (the content may not be approved, it will depend on
    the analysis of the editorial board) - estimated for 08/2022
    Editorial board approval - estimated for 09/2022
    Sixth step - Journal publication -  estimated for 10/2022
    In the first stage, the authors must send an abstract of the article with a maximum of 15 lines by 02/28/2022, containing the theme, objective, method and conclusion, as well as three to five keywords (belonging to Thesaurus).
    For the second stage, authors must submit the complete article by 05/22/2022. The article template must comply with the following formatting, which will also be available in the template (in Portuguese and English) that can be used.
    ● Articles must be written in accordance with the journal's rules.
    ● All articles must be submitted for an anonymous opinion.
    ● Articles must contain a minimum of 15 pages or a maximum of 30 pages, including references, illustrations, charts, tables and graphs, which must be inserted in the body of the text.
    ● They must be accompanied by an abstract (maximum of 15 lines, with theme, objective, method and conclusion), resumen and resumo. The keywords(between three and five), which must belong to the  and the title must also be translated into Spanish and Portuguese.
    ● RevIncluso accepts articles written in Portuguese, English and Spanish.
    ● Files for submission must be in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format
    (provided they do not exceed 2MB)
    ● The assertions, opinions and concepts expressed in the articles are the responsibility of the authors.
    ● References must follow the APA
    ● URLs for referrals must be provided when necessary.
    ● It is mandatory to send a cover letter for the article, including the names of the authors.
    Note: authors must be responsible for reviewing Portuguese, English, and Spanish, with a
    professional statement from the reviewer of the submitted text. 

    Read more about “Faces in question: the non-manual in sign languages”